USMLE Prep EduXpert

USMLE Prep EduXpert memakai materi dari Kaplan Medical yang merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang telah membantu puluhan ribu dokter di seluruh dunia untuk melewati ujian USMLE (United States Medical Licensing Examination) dengan skor tinggi sebagai syarat untuk mendapatkan program Spesialis di Amerika. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 40 tahun, Kaplan Medical telah membuktikan dirinya sebagai pemimpin dunia dalam pelatihan USMLE dengan metode pembelajaran inovatif.
Program persiapan Kaplan USMLE menawarkan berbagai pilihan fleksibel yang dapat disesuaikan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan dan tujuan masing-masing dokter. Hanya Kaplan yang membantu Anda bersiap dari hari ujian hingga hari pertandingan, dan melanjutkan karier yang sukses di bidang kedokteran.

Tingkat penerimaan residensi yang tinggi memungkinkan banyak lulusan kedokteran internasional untuk mengambil Program Pendidikan Kedokteran Spesialis di Amerika, selain itu Anda juga akan menerima gaji saat mengikuti program pelatihan spesialis di Amerika.

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JOIN NOWBenefit Apa Yang Akan Bisa Kamu Dapat?
Selama kursus Anda, Anda akan mengembangkan jaringan yang kuat dengan profesional medis lainnya. Siswa kami berinteraksi dengan dokter praktik AS, menghadiri lokakarya di pusat kami, menikmati pertemuan sosial dengan lulusan kedokteran internasional lainnya, dan membangun persahabatan seumur hidup.
Saran Pribadi
Tim penasihat medis terlatih kami siap membantu kamu sepanjang kursus untuk membantu kamu membuat rencana studi yang dipersonalisasi, menyiapkan jadwal untuk aplikasi residensi dan menilai kesiapan kamu untuk menghadapi ujian USMLE.
Fakultas Terbesar Di Dunia
Terdapat lebih dari 50 ahli, dan juga telah mendapatkan lebih dari 250 penghargaan. tersedia lebih dari 760 studi penelitian yang diterbitkan. Hanya Kaplan Medical yang memiliki tim ahli ilmu dasar dan fakultas klinis, integrasi mata pelajaran, dan ujian dewan khusus. Fakultas elit kami akan mempersiapkan kamu untuk setiap langkah dan memberi Anda tips menghadapi USMLE
Fasilitas Kampus Yang Lengkap
Hanya Kaplan Medical yang memiliki pusat studi permanen dengan staf penuh waktu, fasilitas CS Langkah 2, auditorium yang luas, ruang belajar kelompok dan tenang, laboratorium komputer, dan ruang siswa. Bergabunglah dengan komunitas lulusan kedokteran lainnya yang semuanya bekerja untuk tujuan yang sama. Pilih dari salah satu kota top Amerika – Chicago, Houston, Miami, New York, Pasadena, dan Washington DC.
Persiapan Yang Komprehensif
Skor USMLE di atas rata-rata sangat penting jika kamu ingin mendapatkan wawancara Residensi. Program Kaplan memungkinkan kamu untuk membangun fondasi kamu, menargetkan kekuatan dan kelemahan kamu dan kemudian mengintegrasikan pengetahuan kamu di seluruh sistem. Kuasai kasus dan konsep yang biasa diuji dan pastikan kamu siap untuk mendapat skor tinggi!
Pelayanan Yang Memuaskan
Staf kami ada di sini untuk mendukung sepanjang kursus sehingga kamu dapat fokus pada hal yang paling penting: mendapatkan skor setinggi mungkin di USMLE. Pejabat Sekolah yang Ditunjuk ada di sini untuk memberi tahu kamu tentang kebijakan penting yang terkait dengan status Visa F-1.
Pertanyaan Yang Sering Ditanyakan
What are the steps of pursuing residency in the U.S.?
In a nutshell, the process to get into residency in the U.S. is as follows:
- Apply to Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). You will get an eligibility period assigned to complete United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE)
- Apply for USMLE
- Pass USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge), and Step 2 CS (Clinical Skills)
- Obtain ECFMG certificate (by passing the USMLE tests above)
- Apply for residency through a centralized system (National Resident Matching Program/NRMP): starting September each year
- Interview for residency programs: October until February
- Rank the residency programs you have been interviewed at: deadline in February
- Match day: third Friday of March each year
- Start residency: July 1st each year in most programs
Can all international medical graduates pursue residency in the U.S.?
Yes, as long as the medical school you graduate from is listed in International Medical Education Directory (IMED).
Where do I start if I am interested in pursuing residency in the U.S.?
The first two websites I’d suggest are Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) and United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE).
What tests do I need to pass to be able to apply to residency programs in the U.S.?
There are 3 tests that you need to pass to be able to apply to residency programs: USMLE Step 1, Step 2 CK, and Step 2 CS. Step 1 tests your knowledge in pre-clinical science (anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc.), and Step 2 CK (Clinical Knowledge) tests your knowledge in clinical science (internal medicine, pediatrics, surgery, etc.). As the name implies, Step 2 CS (Clinical Skill) tests your clinical skills, which include history taking, physical examination, communication, and most importantly, interpersonal relation using standardized patients. It also serves as an evaluation tool for your English.
Once you are in residency program, you also need to pass Step 3 in your first year, which is similar to Step 2 CK with addition of simulated cases. Some people take Step 3 before starting residency, which in my opinion is a smart decision because it takes a significant burden from your first year of residency, which undoubtedly will be very busy. In addition, passing Step 3 is needed if you want to apply for H1B visa. Information about each specific test can be found on USMLE website.
How long are residency programs in the U.S.?
The answer depends on the specialty. Most of the primary care specialties such as family medicine, pediatrics, internal medicine, general surgery, and obstetrics-gynecology have a 3-year residency program. Once you finish the residency training, you can go into practice or pursue further subspecialty training. To subspecialize, there are fellowship programs that vary in length. In pediatrics, for example, most subspecialties require 2-3 years of additional training.
Do I need specific immigration/visa status for residency in the U.S.?
If you are not a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder), you will be on J1 or H1B visa when you do your residency. If you prepare for the tests in Indonesia or other country, you will need a visitor visa when you take the Step 2 Clinical Skill exam or come for residency interviews.
However, if you prepare for the tests in the U.S., you can be on any types of visa at that time, as long as you maintain valid status of your visa. For example, I was on F2 visa (dependent of a student) when I was preparing for the tests since I came to the U.S. as my husband’s dependent.
There are advantages and disadvantages for each of these visa types. Considering the complexity of the this topic, it will be better explained in a separate discussion.
What study options do I have to prepare for the tests?
You have several options, with their own advantages and disadvantages. First, you can always study on your own, although I recommend having USMLE targeted books to guide your studying. It has the advantage of being the least expensive. However, you need to be very consistent with your study schedule. Second, you can take online courses available from various sources, which may result in a considerable cost. Third, you can enroll in a course held by test preparation centers to intensively study for the USMLE, which is usually the most expensive option. However, it has the advantage of a set time limit to study, which will help to focus all your effort for the tests. I chose the third option, which I think was an investment worth every penny. On the other hand, I also have friends who did well by studying on their own, or by studying with someone who was enrolled in a course held by a test preparation center.
Explore your study style and financial resource, and choose the method that will suit you the most! If you decide to enroll in a course held by a test preparation center, Kaplan is one of the most well known for USMLE.
What will I need to do after I pass the tests?
After you pass Step 1, 2 CK, and 2 CS, you will be ECFMG certified, which means that you will be able to apply to residency programs through NRMP (National Resident Matching Program). The residency programs you apply to will decide whether they want to invite you for interview based on your application package. Needless to say that higher USMLE scores open more doors. After the interviews, you will rank the programs you have interviewed at, and the programs will also rank the applicants they have interviewed. NRMP is the organization that “matches” the applicant’s rank order list with the programs’, which will result in a match.
Can I work in the U.S. after finishing residency?
The short answer is yes, but you need to do a special adaptation program (between 6 months to 2 years) available at several universities in Indonesia. I have to admit that I don’t know enough about this issue. I will share the information once I obtain more of it.
Can I work in Indonesia with the specialty degree I receive from the U.S.?
The short answer is yes, but you need to do a special adaptation program (between 6 months to 2 years) available at several universities in Indonesia. I have to admit that I don’t know enough about this issue. I will share the information once I obtain more of it.
Program Directors primarily use USMLE scores and number of exam attempts in order to narrow the list of Residency candidates to interview. In fact in the 2015 Residency Match, the average difference in Step 1 scores between matched and unmatched candidates was only 14 points, making every point you get on USMLE crucial to your success in obtaining a residency position.1) (1) Source: NRMPorg. Charting Outcomes in the Match for International Medical Graduates.
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