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TOEFL iTP: A Brief Review About Reading

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TOEFL iTP: A Brief Review About Reading – Reading is considered as essential skills for students. The students are required to have sufficient knowledge and skills to succeed in TOEFL ITP test. The students are required to be aware of their ability in mastering reading aspects and skills in TOEFL ITP to succeed the test. Knowing appropriate reading strategies could help them dealing with their difficulties in TOEFL ITP reading skills.

In this section, the students are tested to understand, interpret and analyze reading passages. It also tests the knowledge of English vocabulary. The questions are about course, implied details, main idea, and organization of ideas, reference, specific information, stated details, vocabulary and transition. There are several things you can do to boost your score.

Here are a few tips and tricks about TOEFL iTP About Reading:

  • Look for evidence in the passage. Every correct answer will be supported by evidence in the passage, even if it’s not obvious. If you’re unsure of which answer is correct, go back and skim the passage for clues.
  • For questions that ask you to select main ideas from the passage (like the sample question above), don’t be fooled by minor facts.It’s easy to think these are the correct answer if they’re mentioned in the passage because it seems like there’s supporting evidence, but if it wasn’t a main point of the passage, don’t include it.
  • You will always find some words on the TOEFL ITP that you haven’t seen before, or don’t remember the meaning of. Find ways to overcome vocabulary road blocks by using contextual clues. And make an effort to understand the whole meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or passage, even when you don’t understand individual words. Learn to to identify the main ideas in a TOEFL ITP Reading passage— this will help you guess at the meaning of difficult words and phrases in each paragraph’s supporting details.

Many TOEFL ITP students find the Reading section challenging because they have to read and analyze a lot of English in a short amount of time. Knowing what to expect and taking steps to prepare yourself can go a long way in helping you do well on this section. While you’re studying for TOEFL ITP Reading, be sure to take practice tests, read academic texts and strengthen your vocabulary. On test day, during TOEFL ITP Reading, remember to pace yourself, avoid getting stuck on one question and wasting time, and be sure to use contextual clues to decipher the meaning of tricky words.


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